This Week at City Hall

Feb. 7, 2014 in News Articles, This Week at City Hall

Performance Dashboard Debuts

The District C office frequently receives community requests for the ability to track how well City departments respond to requests for service in their neighborhoods. This week, the Budget & Fiscal Affairs Committee received a presentation on a new online transparency tool that enables citizens to do just that. The 311 Performance Dashboard provides a broad range of data on the functionality of every city department and provides easy-to-read charts to make the information accessible. A resident can, for instance, look up how many reports were made for missed trash pickup in their neighborhood over the past six months. The person can then compare that rate to other neighborhoods throughout the City, and determine how fast the Solid Waste Department responds to these requests. 311 Performance Dashboard, created by Frank Bracco of the Performance Improvement Division, won top prize for best application at the most recent Tech Street/Open Houston Hackathon.

On the Agenda

Council approved the creation of a Human Trafficking Abatement Fund, and the specific sources and uses for the funding. These resources will allow for the creation of a unit within the Houston Police Department that will be devoted to targeting human trafficking in our city.

What’s Happening in the Annex

Council Member Cohen met with liaisons from several city departments, including Health & Human ServicesAdministration & Regulatory Affairs, and Houston Public Library, to discuss issues that will be presented to the Quality of Life Committee throughout 2014. Committee Chair Cohen has scheduled Quality of Life meetings on the fourth Wednesday of each month at 2:00pm in Council Chambers at City Hall. Committee meetings (as well as Council meetings) are open to the public and citizens are encouraged to attend.